Monday, April 19, 2010

Short break

'Scuse the absence of late - purely an inability to spend the coin required to report on beer properly. And you don't want to just hear about my adventures with half a carton of James Squire Golden and a couple of pints of Bulmers on Saturday just gone, ending up with somehow sitting at a dining table while fifty 21 year olds wearing white clothing are running around a house listening to Beyonce and I'm sitting back after 8 hours of drinking going "back in my day..."

Ok it does sound kinda interesting I admit. And I did end up trying Magners Pear Cider (Ireland) which was pretty smooth and helped with the head pain the next morning, but if I went into greater detail, I'd be like any other schmo on facebook who writes "fucking getting pisssssssedddd tonight hey"

So best to take a short break, and will be back soon.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bloody drunk.

Hello. Yes, sorry, I said Wednesday didn't I? Well here's the first rule about trusting an alcoholic - never trust an alcoholic.

Easter turned out to be a little too festive for me and, surprisingly, a self-enforced detox of sorts has arisen over the past couple of days. And when I'm not drinking great beer, I can't write about great beer. This beer blog will be the death of me.

However, it's a new weekend, and considering I missed the Belgian Ale Showcase at the Taphouse which I'm kicking myself for, the wheels are in motion to make amends.

So, my friends, I'll be back in action properly come Monday. Trust me...