Monday, April 19, 2010

Short break

'Scuse the absence of late - purely an inability to spend the coin required to report on beer properly. And you don't want to just hear about my adventures with half a carton of James Squire Golden and a couple of pints of Bulmers on Saturday just gone, ending up with somehow sitting at a dining table while fifty 21 year olds wearing white clothing are running around a house listening to Beyonce and I'm sitting back after 8 hours of drinking going "back in my day..."

Ok it does sound kinda interesting I admit. And I did end up trying Magners Pear Cider (Ireland) which was pretty smooth and helped with the head pain the next morning, but if I went into greater detail, I'd be like any other schmo on facebook who writes "fucking getting pisssssssedddd tonight hey"

So best to take a short break, and will be back soon.

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