I've just done my weekly shop and it was one of my most pleasant bottleshop experiences yet. Now I know I still need to report on the good purchases from last week but I'll get to that later this week. What makes a great shopping experience for me is a) when the sales person knows their shit, b) when they can take a bit of time out to have a good bitch/whinge with you, and c) when they chuck in some free shit because they acknowledge you are passionate about your purchase/their store.
I've been recommended some quality beers from Harvest this week, mostly from Canada which is a nice change from my usual Belgium obsession. The owner dude gave me a free Monteith's glass too, and just as I was ready to go, I commented on wanting a good cider recommendation. In the process, we spent a good minute discussing how fucking gross Rekorderlig (SWE) is and being completely baffled as to how anyone can drink anything like that on a regular basis given how ridiculously over-the-top sweet it is.
Did I mention I love Harvest and hate Rekorderlig with a passion? Beer reporting shortly. The space below this line is to heighten the crapness of the product in the image.
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