To go from that to being so full on and passionate at present with (mostly Belgian and German) wheat beers is kinda strange, since the difference between that incredibly average pale and a rich, smooth wheat beer are worlds apart. But that's what's called growing up apparently... or some cliched crap like that.
So a rundown of some great wheat beers tried of late, and one atrocity;
Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse Dunkel (GER) - I bought this from Dan Murphy's which is a bit of a ballsy move since, aside from your obvious Chimay and Duvel brands, the Dan Murphy's selection is generally rarely any good. You wouldn't expect anything less given their imported beer selection contains some absolutely horrible stuff. I'm sorry, Stella Artois fans, but what the fuck. Stella Artois is a disgrace, an embarrassment to the greatness in beer that Belgium has to offer. Most popular Belgian beer? Get fucked. We all know popularity and quality are rarely used in the same sentence. Anyway, I really liked the way they brought out the banana flavour in this. It was present but without being over-powering - perfect. Whereas tasting banana and then bitter hops is just wrong in my opinion. Which is where....
3 Ravens Rye (VIC) fails. Here, they take their bland White product, kick up the banana and bitterness, and create a variation of their original product which is certainly more interesting but not any more pleasant. 3 Ravens need to stay the hell away from any more wheat beer attempts - 2 from 2 fails. I'm sick of hating on them when I had so much love to give not long ago.
Weihenstephaner Vitus and Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbeir Dunkel (Belgium) - OH HELL DAMN MOTHER FUCKING YES...... TESTIFY! Weihenstephan, you have roped me in even after that very average initial meeting with the Hefe. Now I believe in you.
The Edelweiss Weissbier (GER) in the above image will be tried this week.
Oh yeah and the La Fin Du Monde (CAN) box lasted all of four seconds. Who am I kidding, it was never going to last for long. Shared with mates on a beautiful Sunday afternoon in Melbourne last weekend. Whilst ridiculously drunk. But still enjoyed and appreciated thoroughly.
Next blog I'll talk about the Endeavour Brewery (NSW) samples I received last week. And I'm very happy to report that both the Pale and Amber were fucking great. But more soon.
PS. Forget to mention in that "one off" Bloody Mary post - use Holbrooks worcestershire over Lea & Perrins. Far better experience.
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