Monday, October 25, 2010

Short break

Well the last time it took me over 2 weeks to post, the blog went on brief hiatus, and that's what's happening again now.

Last time it was due to an overwhelming cider addiction that took a good 4 months or so to get out of my system. This time it's something far more gay... I'm shedding my winter coat. And with winter coat shed comes carb cutting time and what's the one thing that just SLAUGHTERS you when it comes to expanding a gut? Oh yeah, beer. Of course the one thing I derive an amazing amount of pleasure from was going to be bad for me, it always is.

But, just like last time, that doesn't mean this little phase will last long. It just is what it is right now. Here I am, sucking on vodka, soda and lime every day, missing all my delicious wheat beers and pales, while you bastards enjoy them in front of me. Well I'll be back in the game soon again, my friends, don't you worry about that.

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